Resisting Arrest

By Alex Andy Phuong


Uniting uniformed unity

You and I defy the sky

Team work and collaboration

Up to personal discretion

Civil Rights


Minorities against majorities

Stick to the status quo

But should we...?


Defy thy stars

And seek new avenues

Harness the power of creativity

And merge sense with sensibility

"Utopia" was conceived by Thomas More

But all must still must strive for more

For he was A Man for All Seasons

Arrests might be criminal

But people cannot be subliminal

If they want to break free

Listen to words of wisdom from me

“Know thyself, be thyself, harmoniously”


Alex Andy Phuong earned his Bachelor of Arts in English from California State University-Los Angeles in 2015.  He was a former Statement Magazine editor who currently writes about literature, film, and culture.  He has written film reviews for more than one hundred motion pictures for MovieBoozer, and his writing has appeared both online and in print.  Alex is a fool who dares to dream, crazy as he may seem. Here's to the fools who dream!
