Yesterday I asked God

By Rokaya Chaarani


Yesterday I asked God

To dive into the confused world

 He created inside of me,

To dive deep into the visions

I have of the queen I want to be.

My father, my uncle and his daughter’s demise

Has exacerbated

My earthquakes and floods,

My volcanoes and droughts.

So I sidetrack my demons again:

I walk like a ghost,

I write like an obsessed,

I pretend like a fake hope,

Just to render them upset.


Yesterday I asked God,

As I was staring at

The velvet sky

 And the ocean’s blue,

To witness my new rise,

In the bosom of the violet night.

In fact,

That’s my all the time clue.

Now I’m reading Sylvia Plath

To remind myself how I rise

 All the time

From the dead.

For unforgettable queens live

In shadows of the unsaid.

The bottom line is

I am no longer a house of cards;

I am a good girl gone bad.


Rokaya Chaarani is a Moroccon poetess. She is pursuing a master degree in the field of Gender Studies. Film, literature and the arts in general inspire her everyday to turn her own experiences into a piece of art.
