Lines Depicting Lovelight from Your Eyes

By Lawdenmarc Decamora

Last night I scribbled a note on the back of my hand. 

It read like maps swiftly guiding the flash of chrome 

& dark proofs to disengage from what’s ancient there: 


Pain—not to complicate it—what do I know about it?

I just know the bright air that hangs freely near 

your newly cut hair, your point of view that sees 


at work. 

I love the perspective you give to the flowers at dawn,

even the grammar that puts normal lives back 

in composition. 


The lines drawn to my hand were tracks to all 

but beautiful things inside you. 

About you many good things come into relation, 

I think of the constellation, vessels & viaducts,

the process like the lovelight your eyes emit, 

true music


                    against the words. 

Because this poem is about you. These lines shimmy 

especially because they’re in love 

with you. 


Lawdenmarc Decamora is a Best of the Net and Pushcart Prize-nominated writer with work published in 22 countries around the world. He is the author of two book-length poetry collections published in Singapore and the USA, TUNNELS (Ukiyoto) and Love, Air (Atmosphere Press - forthcoming). His work has appeared in The Seattle Review, North Dakota Quarterly, The Common, Amsterdam Quarterly, Kyoto Review of Southeast Asia, among other places. He was also featured in various literary anthologies and prizes, most recently in Meridian: The APWT Drunken Boat Anthology of New Writing and Mingled Voices 4: The International Proverse Poetry Prize Anthology 2019. He is the Assistant Editor of the century-old, Manila-based multidisciplinary journal called UNITAS.
