
By Robert Rejek

I have built a prison

from the longing of you.

From the wish to hold your hand

and glimpse the gleam of sunset

in your sidelong stare. 

I have carved my headstone

from dreams of your smile,

I whisper the words

I am never meant to say

and, like an Echo,

hope you’ll utter them too. 

I have unearthed my grave,

and found you there, beckoning me

to the realms of Orcus, Lord of Doom.

I am falling in.

I do not scream.


Robert Rejek has over fifty publications in both print and online formats. His work can be found in Suffolk University’s Venture Magazine as well as Howl literary magazine. His plays, Hamlet: Submerged and The Drive were produced for the university stage. He lives in Allen Park, Michigan with a lovely wife as well as his three wayward cats; they have decided he’s exceptionally okay —for a human.
