The Tempted

By Siddharth Dasgupta

I’ve chased fireflies as they congregated

within storm, bathing an eastern coast

in the lush belief of dawn—an alchemy

of phosphenes exhaling halos into the air.

In the cursive arms of a Persian winter’s

night, I’ve walked thirty–seven precise

steps that bridged Naqsh-e Jahan to

a world map of my own imagining.

Deep beneath the desires of an Arabian

mist, I’ve kissed the salt that resolves

within sand—cognisant of the wind

and my secret, smouldering addictions.

I’ve slowly scorched the Saharas of my

longing—onto skin that has respired

a million miles, maybe more—imbibing

lands and roads and addresses and homes.

Even as proud flecks of temple magnolia

colonised memories of ganga primrose,

I’ve drunk globules of lavish dew, in a

Paris that danced to the frugality of love.

I’ve mapped lust with startling accuracy

—its breath, its tongues, the dictionary

of its youthful follies, the holy ache

within its arrondissements of sinews.

Nestled within a portmanteau of faith

and shelter, I’ve watched as the sun

embarked on its yearly pilgrimage—

 charting a sequence from flora to facula. 

I’m recorded words both articulated

and unsaid; I’ve diagrammed lands as

unflinching ghosts; I’ve tallied the sacred

and the unsaidness of the untaken…

But then I saw you, flirting with smoke

rings, and my sense of space and place

was crushed—no longer tethered to

the geographies of this chosen earth.

But then I found you, and my latitudes

fled—not willing to intrude on things

made of ether; unable to calculate

these folksongs of the ephemeral.

But then I held you, and it was time

that dissolved; it said—Forgive me,

I don’t wish to hold on—as it crept out

through crevice and onto cobble.

But then I kissed you, desirous of god’s

blaze. And I’ve lost my way. Beyond

city, quartier, jungle, and the song

of tomorrow, I know I’ve lost my way.


Siddharth Dasgupta is an Indian writer who crafts poetry and fiction from lost hometowns and cafés dappled in early morning light. His fourth book—A Moveable East (Red River)—arrived in early '21, while a special-edition chapbook—Almirah :: Alvida (The Remnant Archive)—emerged in the beginning of 2022. Siddharth's literature has appeared in places like Epiphany, Rogue Agent, Kyoto Journal, The Rumpus, and Thimble. He serves as the Arts Editor with The Bombay Literary Magazine but calls the city of Poona home.  

Instagram @citizen.bliss |
