Thanks, su

By Liam Murray 

Bless this sky

Bless this tree

Bless this water

Bless Past-Me, for thinking

To place a bottle of it against this trunk for joy


Take this pure, crystal elixir



It has been boxed and concealed in

Toxic, single-use convenience

Divided from the source

For your possession


 (A bastard of impurity, if there ever was)


Bless this mind

Bless this spirit

Bless this hope

Bless this Would-Be

I have placed outside time and space,

Reposed against the trunk of your existence


Liam Murray is a translator, editor, and stalker of salaşlık, who has resided in Istanbul for around ten years. He is the Poetry Editor at the Bosphorus Review of Books. @doyouknowliammurray.

