Silence of the Heart

By Yaqeen Ul Haq Ahmad Sikander


The anarchy of my rebellious soul

Gave in to your endless beauty


As you talked, flowers blossomed

At your glance, hearts melted


When you walked, moments paused

At your touch, life calmed


Your beauty impeccable, even the dead envy

In the hope of wishing to live once again


Your lively laughter I still can imagine and hear

Your touch so tender defined love and care


I look for you all over among us mortals 

But you dwell in the surrounding stars above 


Perhaps it was in my own darkness 

I saw you shining so bright


Like a moth to candle, Icarus to sun 

I was drawn to you in my madness 


With faith and healing, we learn moving on

Disappointment doesn't hurt much as before


But once the storm settles, everything is gone 

This disappointment hurts further than before


You left me under the open heavens 

It rained sorrows, I await some sunshine 


You touched my form, I your essence 

Forms do change but the essence stays 


Wherever I raise my glance I see you 

Whenever I think of love it's all you 


My heart plays between your fingers

My soul endures the pain it lingers 


A prevailing silence over my heart 

Upon the separation of my beloved 


Even though the soul speaks a thousand tongues 

My eyes wait for the miracle of you happening 


The world might shower rocks upon me

I won't give a care, love


But your silence, my beloved 

Torments the soul in endless ways


You were the poetry I wrote 

You became the wisdom I quote 


Destroyed in love, where shall I turn? 

My heart, soul and eyes left with you 


Thou be my killer and thou my judge too 

Betrayed of love, where do I find justice? 


Let Mihrimah be the witness of my love for you

The pen has broken, tears and blood both dried…


*Mihrimah – Sun & Moon




About Me:

Recluse while Writing, Euphoric while Adventuring. Gentleman on the Streets, Criminal between the Sheets (paper, of course). Learning Turkish, Writing English, Reading Rumi, Thinking Philosophy, Listening to my Inner-call & Speaking my Heart. Hopeless Romantic, Wandering Traveller, Urban Monk, Lumbersexual. Always confused Rats with Mice. 

So, what do I do? Whatever it takes!

Well, other than the above rant, I am a Counselling Psychologist living in Istanbul, Turkey. I was born and raised in Kashmir, India. Graduating from the International Islamic University Malaysia majoring in Psychology with a Theology minor, fate brought me to the straits of Bosphorus. I run a non-profit for Refugee Education & Youth Empowerment called ‘Inspire ME Global’ in India and whenever life is too much, I pack my rucksack and go camping in the lap of nature to tell stories that life taught me over time.


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