Opposing Movements

By Sergio Ortiz


Your love, cold caresses
like barber blades.

I offer my neck
to a dangerous edge of delights.

You hammer iridescent needles
in the satin stretcher frame

of my nape: the canvas
where a gifted swan plunges.

You adopt a warlike way
of gallows and knives,

spear or falcon in hand.
I pierce you with serene
and simple eyes.



Sergio A. Ortiz is a two-time Pushcart nominee, a four-time Best of the Web nominee, and 2016 Best of the Net nominee. His poems have appeared or are forthcoming in Valparaiso Poetry Review, Loch Raven Review, Drunk Monkeys, Algebra Of Owls, Free State Review, and The Paragon Journal.  He is currently working on his first full-length collection of poems, Elephant Graveyard.
