
By Jonel Abellanosa

Not as sweet as my blood sugar.

I prefer the violet variety, which 

is a more ardent listener, than light 

yellows and oranges, to the boil’s 

softening songs. 

Soil is one of my mind’s recurring 

motifs of generosity. Water floods 

the blue deep space with minerals,

root crops like sponges. Trees share 

nutrients. Mud on hands eloquent

with care. In time the kitchen air

warms joy. I’ll nourish my reverent 

spirit before roosters and birds 

soften the dawn with sonnets.


Jonel Abellanosa lives in Cebu City, the Philippines. He is a nature lover, an environmental advocate, and loves all animals particularly dogs. His poetry collections include, Meditations (Alien Buddha Press), Songs from My Mind’s Tree and Multiverse (Clare Songbirds Publishing House), 50 Acrostic Poems, (Cyberwit, India), In the Donald’s Time (Poetic Justice Books and Art), and his speculative poetry collection, Pan’s Saxophone (Weasel Press). He loves to self-study the sciences.

