My Father’s Oil Paintings

By Duygu Dindoruk

On a rainy day, I walked

alongside a landscape, a view

resembling the oil paintings

my father used to do.

Pine trees so tall,

almost reaching the clouds in the sky.

I remember the snow on top

and the branches in order,

yet so unorganized in the wilderness.

Some shorter than the rest,

waiting to grow up,

whenever I see one,

it brings my childhood memories back.

Through the big pine trees

I would recognize, our village

me and my sister,

would cheer up to see.

Behind those trees,

you could enter the forest.

It was one of my best moments as a kid

when I saw a deer enter it, with the trees next.


Duygu Dindoruk is a student in the Dokuz Eylül University, in the department American Culture and Literature. She is currently living in İzmir, Turkey. She is into literature and her hobbies include reading books, playing ukulele, and learning new and exciting things.
