Made in Heaven
By Ali Ashhar
Scripted by Allah
in the highest of heavens
is their story
today they meet under
the celestial sky of love
to cherish each other
today, tomorrow and forever
today they are greeted by
mellifluous melodies of promises
amidst the delicate breeze
serenading a sonnet
to abide by a bond
to the strongest of strengths
of one and other
a quest to dreams
a path of hope
an ocean of faith
a shore of tranquility
to the most beautiful of destinations
to complete one and other
till the time…
for they were not taught till death do us part
but till the time jannat reunites us.
Ali Ashhar is a poet, author and columnist from Jaunpur, India. Mirror of Emotions is his debut poetry collection for which he received multiple literary awards. His works appears in Indian Review, Indian Periodical, My Voice Canada, The Muslim Vibe among others.