Lingual Diversity         

Carl Palmer                                            


We share the bench

at a neighborhood park

by the court house,

watch children play. 


He says something, points 

to a running, laughing boy,

probably his son, 

about the same age 

as my daughter,

also running and laughing.

I nod and smile.


I point toward my little girl, 

say the same thing in English 

he most likely said

in his language.

He nods and smiles.


Like our children’s laughter

we require no translation. 


Carl “Papa” Palmer of Old Mill Road in Ridgeway, Virginia, lives in University Place, Washington.

He is retired from the military and Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) enjoying life as “Papa”

to his grand descendants and being a Franciscan Hospice volunteer. 

Carl is a Pushcart Prize, Best of the Net and Micro Award nominee.   

MOTTO: Long Weekends Forever!

