Immortal Death

Aditi Kataria

I see a desire glowing bright as an ember 

in the eyes of a moth drawn to the flame. 

I watch the fly burning alive. 

I watch the the fire show 

reaching heights I couldn't fathom.

Even after becoming a pyre, 

the glimmer of night, 

shimmer of fire 

remained the same. 

I can no longer find the moth 

while the candle still burns the same 

As if telling me:

All that lives, dies 

while Death alone lives.


Aditi Kataria, age 25, lives in Jaipur, Rajasthan, India. Her poems are scheduled to feature in The Wise Owl (2022). Her poems have also appeared in Ink Babies Llc. (Issue 1, 21), Blydyn Square Review (Fall, 21) and Morals (The Criterion, Vol 9, 2018).

She considers herself as open, approachable, adaptable, curious and optimistic with art, literature and culture as few of her sundry arenas of interest.
