Duende (3)

By Andrew P. Dillon

The poem is alive

    the same way

a song shakes the skin awake—

the way BB works one note

until it bleeds,

    or Miles's trumpet

marches us to Calvary.

Don't you speak the poem

for the brine that scours your palate?

Don't you breathe its pockets of silence?

Haven't you found yourself alone

with only the poem

    to knead

your toughest knots?

When twelve bars & an ode

    won't suffice,

I need a poem that bites.

I present to you this poem as bloodletting.

Not to teach you.

    Not to love me.

I'm experimenting with sound

'til I find the combination that says

don't fuck with me

in any language.

I'm swinging for the heart with every line.

I want to tear into you

    a deep song,

and I want your wound to never heal.


Andrew P. Dillon graduated in the University of Tennessee’s inaugural MFA class. His work is forthcoming or has appeared most recently in Beautiful Cadaver Project, Analog, Stirring, & Connotation Press. He lives in Nashville while he completes his first collection. He is tragically committed to the Buffalo Bills, Buffalo Sabres, & Tennessee Vols. He strongly supports the use of semi-colons, em dashes, & the serial comma. He maintains an online presence at andrewdillonpoetry.com.
