Afore the Break of Dawn
Ali Ashhar
a divine call invites—
Haiya Alas Salah
I answer
I purify the body
to call upon
Dhul Jalali Wal Ikram—
the possessor of glory and honour
I yearn to rinse
the sinner’s soul
I stand up in front of the
Lord of the world
in his name—
the most beneficent
the most merciful
I bow down
our Lord, to be your praise
heart elevates
I prostate
glory be to my Lord, the most high
sins fall apart low
and soul personifies high—
Haiya Alal Falah.
Ali Ashhar is a poet, short story writer and columnist from Jaunpur, India. Mirror of Emotions is his debut poetry collection that was released internationally. His works appear in Indian Review, Indian Periodical, The Raven Review, among others.